ED presentation in Pakhuis de Zwijger

ED in Pakhuis

Last night we presented ED – the Technical Standard for Photo Editing, as part of the GKf Frits Gerritsen Award evening in Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam. The award was for Marloes Krijnen, director of Foam, and as part of the price she posed a commission for us, five young talented image makers/takers/thinkers, to react to the statement “photography belongs to everyone”.
We (Brigiet van den Berg, Nikki Brörmann, Simone Engelen, Ola Lanko and me) have been working on this project for the last three months and presented the interim result of our research on this evening.

We did a lecture about the ED system for photo editing and explained how we believe ED will restore the value of photography. At a time that photography has reached it’s democratic peak, as Susan Sontag already described in her On Photography (1977), and everyone can make as many digital pictures as we want, we need to make a next step in evolution. We need to find a way of managing this ever increasing archive of photography. Not necessary by making less pictures, but by selecting the pictures we want to preserve and by deleting the rest. Less ís more.

On September 27th 2013 we will present our publication of ED at Unseen – the Photofair organised Foam.

Follow our research on www.editingstandard.com

[photo by Rob Wetzer]