Archived entries for Steenbergen Stipendium

Award ceremony of Steenbergen Stipendium 2015


For the fourth – and last – time as the jury chairman I had the honour of announcing the Steenbergen Stipendium winner at the Dutch Photo museum in Rotterdam. The winner of this year is Esther Hovers of the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague.

I also presented the jury report (find it here) regarding all nominees and quality of this years graduation shows of all participating art academies.

[Photo: Jim Gregory / Nederlands Fotomuseum]

Nominees Steenbergen Stipendium 2014

And the nominees are…

Ad van der Koog (St Joost), Olya Oleinic (KABK), Carilijne Pieters (HKU), Jannemarein Renout (Rietveld), Lisa-Marie Vlietstra (Rietveld).

The winner will be announced on the evening of the 15th of October 2014 in the Dutch Photo Museum in Rotterdam. 

Update: Olya Oleinic is the winner of Steenbergen Stipendium 2014

Nominees Steenbergen Stipendium 2013

and the nominees are…

Jaya Pelupessy (HKU), Nina Vossen (St. Joost), Kyle Tryhorn (Rietveld), Jan Rosseel (KABK), Sascha Landshoff (KABK).


and the winner is…
(announced on October 16th in the Dutch Photomuseum in Rotterdam).

Jaya Pelupessy

All content on this website: © Sterre Sprengers 2013, unless stated otherwise.