Archived entries for Lecture

Lecture and reviews at Nothern Lights Masterclass


Talking all day with the participants of this great annual masterclass (organised by Jim Casper, Lars Boering and Marc Prüst) about how to improve ones visual storytelling skills, in connection to my work as the image director at De Correspondent and their individual projects.

[Photo by Lars Boering]

As guest lecturer on a field trip to Bratislava


Over the course of one week 35 photography students from the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague embarked on a journey in and around Bratislava. All students made a person project which resulted in a publication, a website and a exhibition in the gallery of the art school of Bratislava.

Joining teachers were: Donald Weber, Raimond Wouda, Pawel Pokutycki, Annaleen Louwes, Lotte Sprengers, Rob Hornstra and me.


Lecture on image directing at BredaPhoto


At BredaPhoto I’ve talked about the decision making process as an image director for De Correspondent, what I’m looking for in photographers working for De Correspondent, and how photographers can find the right platform for their own work. What is the role of images in media, and what is your role as an visual artist?

[photo by Ron Magielse / BredaPhoto]

Joining as guest teacher a fieldtrip to Sarajevo


Over the course of one week 35 photography students from the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague embarked on a journey in and around the biggest melting pots in the Balkans: Sarajevo! All students made a person project which resulted in a publication, the website and a exhibition in the art school of Sarajevo.

Joining teachers were: Rob Hornstra, Lotte Sprengers, Pawel Pokutycki, Donald Weber, Krista van der Niet and me.

Award ceremony of Steenbergen Stipendium 2015


For the fourth – and last – time as the jury chairman I had the honour of announcing the Steenbergen Stipendium winner at the Dutch Photo museum in Rotterdam. The winner of this year is Esther Hovers of the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague.

I also presented the jury report (find it here) regarding all nominees and quality of this years graduation shows of all participating art academies.

[Photo: Jim Gregory / Nederlands Fotomuseum]

Auction at the festival of De Correspondent


We’ve sold seven out of eight art works that were made by different image makers for productions of De Correspondent. We auctioned it at the Festival der Vooruitgang celebrating the two years anniversary of our journalistic platform.

[Photo: Fabian Fraikin / De Correspondent]

Lecture at Bachelor Camera Arts in Luzern


On April 14th I will give a lecture at the Camera Arts in Luzern on: Understanding Photography through Editing

EDit workshops


At Dag van de Fotografie organised by Fotodok – Space for Documentary Photography we did the ED-it workshop on how to edit your personal and/or professional photographic archive.

 [Photo: Rob Wetzer]

Guided Tours: The Enclave by Richard Mosse


After writing a recommendation for De Correspondent on the exhibition The Enclave of Richard Mosse I gave several guided tours through this exhibition in Foam (the photo museum in Amsterdam).

[Photo: Bas Losekoot]

A call for fewer images


As part of the Live Preview presentation of De Correspondent in Paradiso last sunday, I pleaded for the use of fewer images in journalistic publications. Because of the overload of images we are living in, we need to select what is worth looking at. Although one could think more images published on digital platforms is an improvement, I think we must strive for publishing only good images to maintain our appreciation of images as well as the quality of images.

Watch here the video registration of this presentation [sorry, dutch only…]

[photo by Janus van den Eijnden]

All content on this website: © Sterre Sprengers 2013, unless stated otherwise.