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Chef Design NOS Nieuws

A new chapter. A blank slate.

After 11+ fantastic (!!) years in a wide variety of roles at De Correspondent I’m starting a new adventure at the NOS (the national news broadcaster in the Netherlands).

It’s a newly created role in which I can bring together all my accumulated experience and expertise – from being an image editor, a creative lead and deputy editor-in-chief, to front-end developer. Together my team of designers and developers and I will work on the look and feel of the online publications and posts of the NOS, plus experiment and develop new forms for publishing digital news.


A new app

We have a new app and I helped build it! Who would have thought that two years ago. Go check it out (Play Store / App Store)

We’re not finished yet. Later this year we will be launching the redesign for web too.

De Correspondent turned 10!

I feel very privileged being part of it since the very beginning. On to the next ten years!

My last Book Club

Thank you for letting me be the co-host of the Book Club (FOTODOK) for over three years. I really enjoyed interviewing photographers about their new photo books.

Now it’s time to focus all my headspace on learning how to build the digital photo productions of tomorrows.

It’s official: I’m a front-end developer

A big change in my career. First a documentary photographer, then an image editor, after that a creative editor-in-chief and now a front-end developer. But still with De Correspondent, that platform with which I have completely fused over the year.

Looking forward to developing new skills, knowledge and ideas. Who knows what will be next?


Bring on digital storytelling 2.0! What if I would combine my skills as image editor and creative director with skills needed for building pages and applications to show those stories to the world? (Think the photobook 2.0)

In the past four months I’ve learned the tip of the iceberg of HTML, CSS, Javascript, React and everything that comes with it (like Git, Github, Node.js, NPM, DOM, Redux, Figma, Postman, I can now call myself a junior front-end developer.

The good thing is: I really loved it, so on to learning more programming skills!

Co-hosting Book Club #22

Last night photographer Rob Hornstra and I moderated the Book Club #22 organised by FOTODOK in Tivoli Vredenburg. Due to covid regulations we also live streamed the evening.

Guest on stage were: Robert Knoth & Antoinette de Jong, Marvel Harris, Delphine Bedel, Thomas Kuijpers, Louisiana van Onno and Heleen Peeters.

Guest in podcast Verwondering

In the podcast Verwondering of Harald Dunnink (creative director of Momkai and co-founder of De Correspondent) I was invited to talk about the roll and philosophy of imagery on De and The Correspondent. We talked about our policy, my projects on image forming, our creative team ánd gardening.

[Listen here and check out the gallery with visuals of all topics we covered]

The origin story of our avatars

On De Correspondent I wrote the origin story of the key element in the house style of our journalistic platform: the hand drawn avatars. In the past seven years we have had several versions of the hand drawn portraits. In this piece I’m explaining why and how.

[Illustration by Cléa Dieudonné]

Host of Fotodoks Book Club #20

As a sub for Rob Hornstra I was moderator of the Book Club #20 organised by Fotodok in Utrecht. Guests on stage were Cristina De Middel, Ruben Lundgren, Lucal Leffler, Marwan Bassiouni and Maartje ter Horst.

[Photo by Martha Stroo]

All content on this website: © Sterre Sprengers 2013, unless stated otherwise.